Saturday, 6 October 2012

Breakfast Cycling

Saturday dawned bright and with that lovely autumnal chill in the air. Mornings like this are too few to be spent lazing in bed, so I got the kettle going and filled the kitchen with the smell of fresh coffee whilst I mixed up some bread dough.  Forty minutes to wait while the dough proved, so time for a quick pedal in the morning sun. 

The low sun was still casting shadows across the Winterfield down to the empty expanse of Belhaven Bay.

Nearby fields that have been ploughed-over show the rich red-brown of the local soil. In the still morning air I could smell the damp mulch of the earth. I had to stop and rub some between my fingers. Using all my senses and reflecting on how many have passed here before helps me appreciate how fortunate I am.

Down the gravel track through the fields to Hallhill woods. The leaves in the woods are all turning now but the birds are still singing as they grab every morsel of food they can find before the frosts come.

Half an hour in the oven whilst I had a shower. A fine way to start the day.


  1. Best meal of the day...made even better.

  2. Hi Peter:
    Nothing like freshly baked bread!
    BTW, did you use special lens to take the photo of the bike with the mud in the back?
    Peace :)

    1. Hi Chandra, its a 'fish eye' setting on the camera. No fancy lens change. I should have centered the frame. The bread was good!
