Tuesday, 25 December 2012

The sun also rises

It's been a hard time over the last week. My dad died peacefully but quite suddenly at home on December the 16th. I was filling my thermos with coffee to head out for a cycle when my sister telephoned weeping uncontrollably. She had stopped by on Sunday morning to ask if he wanted a newspaper and found him sitting in his chair. He had quietly slipped away from us all during the night. It's only 12 miles to my dads home but it was a long drive that morning. After the police and ambulance left we were faced with one of the hardest things I have ever done when we went to the hospital to break the news to my mum.

The funeral has now passed and with the support and love of family and friends, and a lot of advice from our minister, we have somehow muddled through. Last night was Christmas Eve, I managed a couple of hours of sleep but there comes a time when its easier just to get up. I switched on the radio this morning and quietly tuned it to a carol concert; then set about baking some bread and brewing the morning coffee. As I looked out the window I realised for the first time in a week that I needed to get out for a cycle. 

It was still dark but I went down by the lighthouse and then back along to White Sands to have my coffee and watch the sea.

The sun slowly crept over the horizon and I headed back home.  El is up crashing around, Fly is wanting out to play with her ball and I'm off to meet up with the transport to get my mum out of hospital for the day. My sister and my niece have hopefully got the turkey in the oven and we will all try our best.
Have a peaceful Christmas.


  1. Oh man, that does make for a difficult holiday season. I am saddened by the news of your loss. We are also "doing our best" after the recent loss of my wife's father. My prayer is for God's love and comfort for your family.

  2. Peter:
    Sorry to hear about your dad passing.
    Thoughts and prayers!

  3. Thinking of you and your family Peter,


  4. Pondero, Chandra, the Bruce, thanks for your kind thoughts. I was back to work today,Thursday,so some normality has returned. The weather is looking ok for Saturday so I'll try to get out for a wee adventure; decorating the kitchen can wait.
