Sunday, 7 April 2013

LHT off road, crumbling cliffs and a blue sea

Saturday and little sunshine makes all the difference. I made up a flask of coffee and headed out on the LHT for a couple of hours. 

It was one of those rides where I didn't have any real destination planned. I knew I wanted some blue sea and sky after months of soul sapping grey.

I followed my nose east until Cockburnspath then turned back and took the trucker off road along the John Muir Way above Bilsdean. 

Dry single track, warm sun and plenty of time. High above I could hear the trilling of a skylark. It's a song that I always associate with open grass land and blue skies.

This bush gives an idea of the struggle to grow in the sea winds. The little wall provided a fine spot for a break and a cup of coffee. I tried to experiment with fitting the camera onto the end of a stick for a more panoramic shot. Then I gave up and got on with enjoying the view.

I wouldn't have spent the afternoon out in the fresh air, getting some exercise and soaking up spectacular views if it wasn't for this bike.


  1. Nice post, Surly bikes do seem to have an attraction and get you out there... i

    1. I'm not sure what it is about the LHT, but it is so easy to grab it and just go.

  2. Beautiful! I might be gloomy up there sometimes, it isn't gloomy, it is spectacular!

    1. Yeah, I'm lucky where I live and I do appreciate it.
