Sunday, 18 August 2013

Five Photo Cycle

Its been a busy 'holiday'. I've spent most of this week building a cupboard around a new boiler and the old electrics. The doors are hanging straight, they are nearly flush on their stops and I put what I hope is the last skim of plaster this afternoon. Meanwhile I have been neglecting the Long Haul Trucker and myself. I suppose it was the thought of being back at work tomorrow that provided the inspiration to get out this evening.

I headed off along towards John Muir Country Park with little idea where I was really going. The was a gusting south westerly wind so I figured I would cycle west to have an easy run home.

As I cycled I began to get into a rhythm and started to relax into the ride. I continue to be amazed how mindful I can be of the simple act of pedaling. I just slip into a focus and enjoy myself, all the days stresses slip into the background. 

I was feeling reasonably strong so I turned up through the Yew avenue into the Biel Estate. This leads to a gravel track across the fields and then very short steep descent to Biel Mill and a much longer and equally steep climb up to the Stenton road.

Along the hillfoot roads and I saw my first working harvesters of the summer. The crops have come on tremendously considering the late spring. The long hot weather and recent rains seem to have added up to a bumper harvest. No doubt the farmers will complain that this will push prices down so that they need more subsidies. It's not easy running a Range Rover these days!

After Spott I had the long descent back to Dunbar. I made a quick loop back down by Belhaven to get a picture of the 'bridge to nowhere' doing what it is supposed to do, providing a crossing for the Biel Burn. A really enjoyable pedal and made all the more interesting as I had forgotten to put a memory card in the camera and so was restricted to only five photos on the internal memory. That would be the five you have just been looking at.


  1. Great wee post Ped, been a great summer -:)

    1. Aye and hopefully there will be a great autumn too. And maybe a great winter if my fat bike plans come together!

  2. The photos are awesome. I am fascinated by the "Bridge to Nowhere".
    Peace :)

    1. Thanks Chandra. Despite being cut off by the tide three times every 24hrs, it's a popular little bridge.

  3. Yeah, I've been off the bike myself for about a week...tending to things that needed my attention. I went out for 30 minutes last night and was reacquainted with that "feels like flying" experience again. Wonderful.

    Great photos as usual!

  4. You pass a lot of serene bodies of water. Do you fish as well?

    1. Hi Wilson, I've not managed any freshwater fishing for a couple of years now. It's something that I would like to get back into.
