I finally managed to get some time for myself today. So off to Edinburgh for a nose around and a leisurely cycle home along the coast.
The weather was fantastic for February. The day started with a sharp frost but this soon cleared and the sun shone in crisp clear skies.
The memorial is to Sir Walter Scott. I can remember most of the sandstone in Edinburgh being dark and stained before there was a big effort to blast it all clean. I think this started in the late 1980s. I don't know why the Scott Monument was left, although the dark towering spires are quite iconic and would look odd now if it was back to clean stone.
From Princes Street I flew through the traffic and headed down Leith walk, then off into the docks. The Port of Leith pub was still closed as I passed, probably just as well.
These cranes are silent now. It's all container transport and cruise ships.
Portobello beach was a typical seaside in winter. Just dog walkers and a few hardy pensioners sitting with their wee tartan rugs, staring out to sea.
Through Fisherrow and I spotted this black headed gull in it's summer breeding plumage. It's companions were all in winter guise, he must feel a little overdressed, the wee poseur.
By chance, I met coastkid and we bleathered for a while. Then I headed inland a bit at Aberlady and had to take a photo of the wall of potato boxes at Lufness.
Fenton Tower standing proud on the hill. If you click the link you can read about it's history. It was only restored recently, and if you really want, you can get married there.
On and on, feeling a bit tired but still comfy on the trucker. I stopped at Whitekirk for a couple of photos and the last of the coffee from my flask.
Home in sight and the sound of the wading birds ringing across the bay.
I somehow managed to be out on the bike for six hours, a great day and good to have some time off just to spend pedaling along in the sunshine.