It's raining again! El decided that she would like some cheese, so being a helpful husband I nipped out to the shops to get her some. It could have taken a couple of minutes but I took the LHT and it turned into an hour and a half of pedaling around avoiding the showers.
The camera also struggled to focus on the bike and it's reflection without including me in the image! This old car showroom is up for rent. I hope someone finds a use for it before it falls into further disrepair.
I turned down through Phantassie farm with its crumbling old steading. These solid old barns and workshops date back to the 18th century. This must be one of the very last steadings in East Lothian that is still used for farming and not converted into housing.
Big log!
Everything is really beginning to bloom and the hedgerows are lush green again. In the tight lanes the air was close with the moisture from all the rain and was thick with that heady fragrance of flowers that open after a storm.
These farm tracks were built for horses and carts. I wouldn't want to use anything much narrower than 700x42 tyres on the LHT. Crunching through the gravel and splashing through the puddles.
The rain was getting heavy again and dripping through the trees. I headed back to Dunbar before I got too wet. I even remembered to stop at the local supermarket and bought some smoked applewood cheese which helped offset the inevitable "Where have you been?"
14.5 wet miles, 15 degrees and some tasty cheese.