Sunday, 27 May 2012

Sun 27th Out on the road today, I saw a dead..toad

(Apologies to Mr Henley)

Yesterday (Saturday) I pitched in with a few friends to help Jamie and Laura move home. It was one of the hottest days of the year so far and their temporary home is five floors up the steepest stair in Dunbar. So that was fun!
In the afternoon E's brother Daniel, and his wife Melody, visited. It was a lazy afternoon in the sun.

Overnight a haar had rolled in. An early start and the lower temperature made for an easy morning pedal. Then out on the White Sands road I saw a dead toad.

Poor wee soul. The road was mostly empty but the air was full of skylarks.

Down at the lighthouse the haar was blowing in and out. I caught this pic of the light tower, a few seconds later it disappeared in the sea fog.

Common Scurvy-grass. Much loved by sailors only a hundred odd years ago for its vitamin C. Like the Ramsons (wild garlic) a couple of weeks ago, I have to try some. Some folks complain it's too sharp but I find the leaves quite peppery and pleasant in small quantities.

The west quarry has been left to the wild. Its about 150ft deep at the left side. I watched sandmartins nesting and a flapping heron wake the drowsy water rats (apologies to WB Yeats).

I headed back to the shops for some coffee. Having a retro bike I took the chance of a retro pic. The phone still works but the elder tree growing inside hints at its lack of use. I should get the number so folk can call it to see if anyone ever answers.

Went down to the Heron in the afternoon, but its getting late now, so I'll keep those pics for later this week.

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