Sunday, 30 September 2012

End of the Season

A great deal of time was spent worrying about the Heron last week, so after the storm had abated I managed to get some help and towed the wee boat up onto the hard standing.

It's a relief to know that the boat is safe but its tinged with disappointment that the sailing season is over. Dreams of lazy summer days and sparkling seas didn't come to much this summer, but I'm thankful for the trips I had and the memories will keep me going during the winter. There is also a bit of work to be done. I checked the hull over this afternoon and found a lot of scrapes and a couple of chips that are through the gel coat. I also found a more serious problem. The "galley" or plastic box that I keep victuals in had flooded during the storm and my jar of coffee had congealed to a solid mass. How can I be expected to complete any work on the boat without the winter weekend ritual of crouching in the cabin, the hissing of the gas stove and clasping a hot mug whilst thinking about what has to be done?

This is the new view from the cockpit. In a couple of weeks the bigger boats are being craned out and Heron will be back in their shadows. I'll enjoy the evening sun while I can.

As a foot note, I was in Glasgow this weekend, visiting the in-laws, eating too much and being thoroughly spoiled. On one of my wanders I took a pic of this post box. Ten points to anyone who can tell me why it is special. They will also have the dubious honour of having as sad an interest in history I have! 


  1. Peter:
    Summer will be back next year and you can sail again.
    But, you gotta do something about your coffee.
    Can't go all winter without good coffee, you know? :)

    Peace :)

    PS. I have no clue why that postbox is special. I like it and it is special to me because I have never seen it before. But, I have seen something very similar back in India, way back in time!

  2. Somerthing to do with that top on it Ped?, only Scottish boxes have them?

  3. It's an Edward VIII box. He ascended the throne when his dad (George V) died but planned to marry divorcee Wallis Simpson soon after. He was never crowned and abdicated the throne within a year. The post boxes with his insignia had the doors changed but some were missed. About 50 have been spotted out of 116,000 boxes in the UK....
    I need out more!

  4. I see the V111 now... nice one, will keep the eyes peeled...
