Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Mid Week Cycle 12 September

Over the last couple of weeks I've been using the Kona Caldera and although I've enjoyed the cycling, my millage has dropped. So this week I got the old Falcon back out to try and get a decent pedal while I still can.

The fields are nearly all harvested now and the countryside colours are changing quickly. I took the track out past the cement works and along to the Bilsdean bridges.

As I cycled along the side of the ravine to the next bridge pigeons were clattering out of the oak trees.

When I came out from under one of the arches I could here a Peregrine Falcon calling from up above which was most likely what was spooking the wood pigeons.

An old mile post, Dunbar 7 miles west, Edinburgh 35.

That might be the last of the summer mid-week cycles. I was really running short of light by the time I got home. The thought of getting up for an hours cycle in the mornings is frightening but I know I can keep going until the end of October before lights are the only option.
21 miles and I wanted to keep going.


  1. Aye, gotta be rolling by 5pm now to get in some daylight time Ped, lovely pics esp the first...
    You found the WW2 sand bags yet at Pease Dean below the bridge?

  2. From the outstanding photos, it is quite clear why you would want to keep going.

  3. CK, you mean at Bilsdean? I can mind sandbags from years ago but couldn't see them, maybe they've gone or maybe it was Pease Dean? will look again when the veg' dies down.

    Pondero, Thanks it's been a good exercise trying to capture something of the harvest sunsets as the light fades.
