Monday, 17 September 2012

Woodland Waterfalls

I've been busy over the weekend rebuilding the trailer for the Heron. Much grinding, cutting and welding. Monday was a holiday so it was down tools and take Fly for decent walk. She's not very keen on crossing streams.

John Muir was born two doors along from where I live. His early childhood was spent playing around the coast where each morning I start my day by taking Fly for a walk.  His love of wild places fortunately continued when his family emigrated to America.  

He founded the Sierra Club and was leading in the creation of the Sequoia National Park and the Yosemite Valley.  John Muir devoted most of his life to preserving the natural and spiritual qualities he found in wild places. He wrote that "as long as I live, I'll hear waterfalls and birds and winds sing." I'm kind of fond of waterfalls myself so I took a couple of hours to wander around Pease Dean to try and capture the start of the Autumn in my own mind.

  It's not the easiest of places to get to but that makes it all the more special.

Fly the pioneer seeking out the trail and checking I'm still with her!

A welcome surprise was this Peacock butterfly. They have been slowly colonising southern Scotland over the last few years. Most people only expect to see butterflies in the height of summer but the Peacock can live for 11 months so hopefully this one will hibernate through the cold of the coming winter and breed next spring.
 A fine day off but back to the grind tomorrow.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Spelling fixed!

    A great post Ped! lovely pics.
    I love Autumn, the colours and cool mornings, nights drawing in and geese return to the coast...
    I saw a lot of Peacocks a couple of weeks back after hardly any butterflys all summer

  3. The photos in this post have a calming effect, at least on me.
    I have never seen a Peacock butterfly. So, this post is very special!
    Peace :)

  4. Ck, I hear the geese coming over at night and see them grazing on the salt marsh at JMCP on my way to work. Further down stream is the top end of a big tunnel!

    Chandra, thanks, I find woodland and streams relaxing. If you have shared this from the photos then that is wonderful.
